Hare Krishna Trust

Hare Krishna Trust

Hare Krishna Trust

Hare Krishna Trust

The Hare Krishna Trust is a not-for-profit organisation based out of Vrindavan-Mathura, India. The mission is to promote the well-being of society by teaching the science of Bhagavad-gita. Our work includes cow protection, free Meal distribution, tree plantation, organic farming & providing employment training. The Hare Krishna Trust also aims to counter malnutrition and support the right to education of children hailing from socio-economically challenging backgrounds.


To serve humanity by providing high quality Vedic education to everyone through temples, educational institutions and various global initiatives.


Give human society an opportunity for good health and happiness through God Consciousness.

Over five hundred years ago, Lord Sri Chaitanya made a prophecy that every town and village of the world would chant the holy name of Lord Krishna. 

Following in the footsteps of our acharya’s and carrying forward their unwavering vision of promoting spiritual learning, we at  Hare Krishna Trust  have been conducting spiritual, educational and cultural activities with the devoted purpose of bringing about physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

Hare Krishna Trust aims to reach out to all sections of the society across age groups to help people live balanced, fulfilling and progressive life — one that is full of happiness, good health, and peace — through Krishna consciousness.

Chant Hare Krishna...

कलेर्दोषनिधे राजन्नस्ति ह्येको महान् गुण: । कीर्तनादेव कृष्णस्य मुक्तसङ्ग: परं व्रजेत् ॥

हे राजन् ! इस दोषोंसे भरे हुए कलियुग में एक महान् गुण यह है कि केवल श्रीकृष्ण के नामकीर्तन से ही मनुष्य सारी आसक्तियों से मुक्त होकर परमात्मा को प्रास कर लेता है । सत्ययुग में ध्यान से, त्रेता में यज्ञों से और द्वापर में परिचर्या से जो पद प्राप्त होता था वही कलियुग में केवल श्रीहरिनाम कीर्तन से प्राप्त होता है – श्रीमद्भागवद्पुराण – १२ । ३ । ५१-५२



Farmers understand mother nature the best and probably the only reason that global warming has not completely ruined the environment as yet. Our initiative hovers around using this rural knowledge to reduce Global Warming footprint. Learn how!


Our trust has tried to reach out to the most needy in the health sector. We have reached out to the rural communities to help them treat diseases naturally.


Hare Krishna Trust is a socio- spiritual and educational institution of international repute, committed to re-establishment of a value-based society through spiritual empowerment.


Fulfilling a larger than life purpose, Hare Krishna Trust is working selflessly to uplift every section of the society and every aspect of life in various ways.


Hare Krishna Trust is doing revolutionary work in cow protection and making masses aware of the necessity of cow protection.
Shri Shri 108 Chandra Shekhar Baba Ji Maharaj
Hare Krishna Trust is the biggest supporter in relief camps for lumpy cows. They worked day and night, providing financial and medicinal help. The level of commitment they showcased under this initiative has made an outstanding impact"
Gopesh Ji Maharaj
Hare Krishna Trust is a trust we could believe in, from providing free meals in remote villages to running shelter houses for cows, Hare Krishna Trust is doing incredible work.
Barsana Sharan Ji Maharaj


Together with its active and dedicated volunteer base, Hare Krishna Trust activities serve as a thriving model for human empowerment and community revitalization throughout the world.


is a way of giving back

In every aspect of life, guru’s explains, we can be a volunteer just by living willingly. Through this willingness, life becomes full of joy and fulfilment.

Your Contribution

can change someone’s life

Hare Krishna Trust is a volunteer-run organization and aims to bring physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing for everyone. Your support and donation will help reach all those who are in need of these tools.